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Showing posts from May, 2011
HELLO PEOPLE !!! Well, at some point, I find that I am obligated to provide feedback as to what is or has been going on with me because I've been away for so damn long ! I've had 1. Introduction to Economics My 2nd attempt, I'm sure I'm doing much better than previous attempt; 12/100. I gave up because it was my last paper. I had 2months hospitalization leave then for my surgery 2. Principles of Sociology My 1st attempt, I did up the notes for section B and C, 50marks and only had 2 hrs to swallow them down. Needless to say I went blank. This is a retake for sure. 3. Financial Management One of the worst paper the examiner ever set. 3 out of 4 quantitative questions were unseen or unheard of. I had to force myself to do 2 qualitative questions. I need real luck to scrap through on this one. 4. Financial Reporting The magnitude for coverage is epic, my notes are all over, incomplete, missing questions only with solutions. I skipped the most lessons for this module, hope