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Showing posts from September, 2018

Moving on ~ 行くぞ !!!!!

Moving on . . . 12 May 2012 was when I joined Douche Bank, alaso known as Deutsche Bank, so it's been 6 years 4 months 8 days and I've officially ended my tenure on 20th September 2018. It was a love hate relationship, I really wanted to enter an investment bank and they took me in. Faced with the worst possible mentor then, it was hell, luckily i managed to meet Sir Ivan Sim who is taking me over to SMBC and my life changed. Managed to get my first bonus, hit the CPF ceiling and then eventually getting a humble box of my own. The endless crazy hours and hostile environment mold me to become who I am today, I can't help but truly felt sad on my last day. When you spend that amount of time in the same place, you are bound to miss it. Exceptionally so for someone who loves routine like I do, find it absurdly hard to leave. Eventually I did. It's not without fear and uncertainty that I took this leap of faith to try out something that I've not done before