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Woke up @ 7am, thanks to pF dearie I've managed to get my passport after 20minutes of waiting time ! Had a small chat with her about my msn nick abt my blur dad and well yeah came there early and woah I'm so impressed by our nation's togetherness of Kiasu. I was there at about 845 and the door just opened and guess what? there was a que outside the building stretched AROUND HALF THE DAMN building ? haha I too join in the fun of brisk walking ( did i get it right ? ) to the end of the que and yeah ~

After which drove and get the stuffs for bbq, the market so pack and the thing so heavy ! managed to get all the stuffs + breakfast before heading home. THank you mum for helping me peeling the squid and slicing them !

Off to manda's place where I did the marination of the chicken wing, chicken breast while manda and mingli helped out with the balacan for the squid and stingray. Cooked the bee hoon and yeah they were impressed but well it's quite simple ! I'm a house husband material definately yoh haha.

Rushed down to the area and home ! cuz i had to send my parents to grandma hse first ! Gotten back and weEe had fun eating and stuff. SHIT MAN manda fried rice was better than mine ! But who gives a shit they ate mine more okae ! haha. We had 2 chef ~ aka Cheng Peng and Andy ! JJ bought CP beer and well I told andy not to pay for the BBQ. Every little help is deeply appreciated unlike those handful who were so ~ i shan't pin point at anyone or anything just screw it ~ ain't doing it anymore unless just calling a few handful of happening gangs out for some fun ~

The whole thing ended with a few of us playing some games haha it was fun ! We left WCP and left for Sentosa @ 11:30am ! woOotx. Had some drag race with Ms Sng ~ hhaha Camry vs Sunny ~ VVTi vs CVT ? HAhahA she's hell of a female driver but we had fun man ~

Played this lame number game and we had squats and half squats prank calls and again Ms Sng got the best one of the day ~ noticed one particular person not really concentrating and yar kinda sucks to have such nosey person ewwwz ~ nontheless Charles I'm sorry I screwed the thing up ~ i din noe ur reaction was this big.

Ended the trip bcuz yeah forgetit and we had our own private HEHE quater meeting as usual from 4am to 6am HAHA ! we're all so damn tired n yea ~ I slept till the next evening at 6pm :D

How fun can a bunch of real friends be ~ hell fuN! jackson i swear i'll drag you along next time u fugly nid a life !


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