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A meal with the not so lucky ~

Everytime I had dinner @ this make shift coffee shop bside BoonLay interchange, often I'd have this strange feeling of feeling contented and stuffs. I'd call it a house of content ~ or a coffee shop of "re-construction"

I joined the que with many Blangladesh and PRC people for the mixed vege rice. Often I'd order 4 dishes but when I'm there I go for 2 vege and a meat ~ The same today I had 2 vege and curry chicken. A fair portion of vege of each and a quite small portion of; 1/3 drumstick + 1/2 tigh and a small piece of potato. $3 says the cashier I paid and left for the seats. Often than not, i'd happily eat my food instead I thought woah $3 ? it's quite expensive man.

The lady who serve us the dishes, well a foreigner herself, at times the portions were genourous ~ the most I've recieved was 1 full drumstick and half a piece of tigh~ 2 person before me que-ed for 2 packet of rice. 1st packet with 1 vege and curry chicken, the next one with 2 vege and an egg. Quite humble for 2 workers ? I bet the price set in. The next one was pathetic ~ just rice with curry chicken. Many times I notice the lady would give additional portions but this time she didn't as the chicken was running out ~ Inorder to keep selling her stuffs, she must have enough vege and meat to serve out so I guess she's trying to save it for the latter crowd ? Poor guy ? I mean after a day's work all you have is 2 small pieces of meat and a potato with some gravy and rice.

As I sat down I think ; If ever I were a construction site engineer, incharge of a pool of workers. I'd just buy them lunch or dinner. I mean, on average THEY earn $20 for 12hrs of work, 6days/week @ $500/mth at most. Send half of it back to their families and they've about $200 to use. $200/mth ? I had that when I was in sec 4 using it on a 5 day week basis ? Divide the $200 for a 28 day month or even 30 day ~ he barely can spend $6 on 3 meals. A cup of coffee or tea seems like a splurge of a cup of bubble tea @ $2.50 or probably a sec school boi wanting a cup of Ice Mocha @ Coffee Beans. $2 on average a meal teach me how to survive in Singapore, what about transport ? I bet they can't have the RIGHT to being sick. People say how singaporeans suffered in the past. I'd ask HOW are THEY suffering now, right infront of our eyes. . . When many say they stink, smell and are errie.

I dunnoe if soap and shampoo was considered a necessity ~ a girlfriend never seem possible ? Guys by nature are attracted by the beauty sex appeal and personal fetishes to every single individual gurl ? Who are they to be blamed to be deprived ~ that does NOT give them reasons to raping or molesting definately BUT how our society view them as the "untouchables" "3rd Class citizens " or Banglas ( often a local slangg for coolies / slaves ) I'm not trying to single out any of you friends out there but trying to make myself aware that I must never be a racist nor any dimwit who just pinpoint @ anyone and spit out comments that are ... unecessary ?

My heart sank and I search my heart. It went straight to my house my room. With all the shits I have I never stop asking for more, gadgets to watches to car ? What the hell is wrong with me. Right now God strucked my mind, humans evolve ~ to search for the better, to change for the better. To create to allow humans to survive, the never ending search for perfection;something that never exists. IS the source to keep humans living. SO me, myself am I right to search for such a luxurious life. . . to keep envious eyes on me and my kids infuture? to waste money so that to prove I'm actually successful. Then again LKY said " Money cycle ? if the rich splurge, the poor gain and den the poor spend and the poorer gain, its a cycle". OR i can be contented with a net gross household pay of about $4000. A humble 4room flat with no car. Kids with TVs and no SCV. Simple furniture a nice PC for everyone to use. A watch just to keep track of time and a pair of sneakers to make sure my feet is protected. . .

I guess emotions just sat in and yeap, it took a hell out of me ~ Trying to be succuessful... rich ain't wrong. How we use that money and teach our kids to learn what is money will differ those who deserves to earn that money.

A thin film of paper between the right and wrong. OR is there actually right or wrong ?

An emo entry by SJ Productions. 11th June 2007 @ 2111hrs.


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