This bloody bitch ! I had no idea when was this but yeah ! she's hell of a bitch. We're at BOMB ! haha don't tell you all too much ! We're queing up for this mee hoon goreng @ indian shop. The stall owner is quite a joker and likes to joke ~ aparently she wants her fried rice with a drumbstick and the owner goes " Fried Chicken ? This is fantastic faboulously nice ! Good Choice !" and she aparently tried to avoid it on purposely and goes "Huhx" the owner goes again " This fried chicken is good!" and she ignore trying to look around. After the owner picked a drumbstick she wave and chose one aparently larger one to her ? HAHA fucking bitch here's your bloody pic arsehole !
Wednesday ! went queensway to buy my jeans ! Hehe here's why i need to ? It's been like that for a month already and I'm still wearing it! It's Levi Strass and CO yoh ? fuck $140 eh ?
Yeap with that fugly logo ! Our denin gets stronger with age ? fuckit ? aparently my pubic hair has spikes that pokes through my undies and cause this ? CAMMON ITS FUCKING$140 for a pair of shit that I wore for less than a half a year ?

My new notepad ! hehe ~ lost alot of stories for myself to recall bcuz the previous one kinda too cheapo man ~ can't flip pages and it tears when I flipped em ~
Finally I bought a hardcase for my starhub card ! BUT GUESS WHAT ? IT CAN'T FIT AND NOW MY CARD IS STUCKED DAMN ! fuggit !~

And yea ~ I miss you Ms Loke ! damn quiet and boring ah ~ thank gawd evonne brought me to another focus group and half of the 2nd half of my day was gone and yeapz ~ thats the 1st day without a friend to whine to, to listen to, to grumble to and to laugh at to be laughed at well so many things darmz ! Nicole came over for breakfast but well it's still so damn quiet man~ i wanna enlist asap liao lor ! Geez ~ haha

Wednesday ! went queensway to buy my jeans ! Hehe here's why i need to ? It's been like that for a month already and I'm still wearing it! It's Levi Strass and CO yoh ? fuck $140 eh ?

My new notepad ! hehe ~ lost alot of stories for myself to recall bcuz the previous one kinda too cheapo man ~ can't flip pages and it tears when I flipped em ~

And yea ~ I miss you Ms Loke ! damn quiet and boring ah ~ thank gawd evonne brought me to another focus group and half of the 2nd half of my day was gone and yeapz ~ thats the 1st day without a friend to whine to, to listen to, to grumble to and to laugh at to be laughed at well so many things darmz ! Nicole came over for breakfast but well it's still so damn quiet man~ i wanna enlist asap liao lor ! Geez ~ haha