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Bor1n Sunday ~ the old man took the car out for his Mahjong session with his kakis so yeah I'm home . Re-reading the sentence eh ? Haha I've become so damn bloody lazy ever since I've gotten the right to drive a 4 wheel moving thing so yeah ~ Been doing pushups and my arms are hurting damnz ~

Back to the main topic, as usual listening to radio while surfing the net and stuffs. Switching between 93.3, Power 98 and Class 95. 93.3 there's this djay Mu Tong, I don't really like him so I'll switch over to power98 and i hear sebastian on the OLDIES OTOT shit and i switched to class 95. Nice soothing music, old school n stuffs but yeah I like it.

As Bryan Mc Knight sang "it's been 6mths 8days 12 hrs since you been away . . . " reminds me of secondary school days ~ This song haha made me reminds of Hong Mingzhi =P nontheless that ain't the main point. These kinda songs are rare nowadays . . . low tempo, meaningful and filled with feelings and stories. These songs just made me think of love, want love and hallucinate, pray and hope for something similar to happened ~ Secondary school were the days when class are filled with gurls, pretty ones, average ones, seniors, juniors, teachers even and the kids' imagination guess a long way. . .

Kinda miss those days, $35/week was the most I've had during Sec days ~ sec 1 $20, sec 2 $25 sec $30 and haha yeah $5 increment per year ! It wasn't as much as I'm having now but life then was FUN ! All i have to do is just to fulfill every kids' responsibility, ATTEND SCHOOL. I meant A T T E N D not studying and you get money ~ If you do well, you get "clauses" or "bonuses" .

Poly was even better, I got $400/month + Transport though, wake up as and when I want to, attend lessons and take naps in air-condition classrooms. Brought psp to school to make sure I don't doze off in those boring lectures . . . I'm even allowed to skip class to play attend competition to play PC games ; Counter-Strike . Year 3, I've this 1 CCA, active for 1 semester and well well well ~ My CCA result slip came and it's an A Grade with Merit !

How good can life be and it is O V E R, FINISH, FINITO !~ adios to that kinda life ! >_< . Everything now it's ON MY OWN. Bills, transport, clothings, underwear, food except a place to stay ~ Everything is on my own. Feeling the strain of "The Real World" . Put it simply into Mathematics ! my strongest subject

Nett income $1500
CPF $300
Nett Takehome $1200
Mama : $200
Papa : $50
Hp bill $50
Sista ! :$20
Save : $300

LEFT OVER : $ 5 8 0

Looks like abit eh ~ Transport are pain in the ass and sometimes there are birthdays outings this and that and petrol >_< Money never seem enough eh ?

Enuff grumbling ~ haha so I've come to realise that I need to not be earning this little in 3years time and so it's bothering H O W . Damnx i'm sick of thinking about this haha so screw it !

Tomorrow might be going down to some guys' house to audit his Aego M + Onkyo / Fubar USB / TokyoStyle set-up before I decide on my on Stereo . . . Tuesday meeting with yong sama with the Year 1 people ! Kevin better come and Darren so is melvin n kyle haha... It will be fun ! not forgetting yQ !

Wednesday probably having M s G outing ! Donkey years since we met and yeah . . . being single is this fucking fun ! If i'm attached I bet i'll be dead if my gf know 3 days in a row I'm out with my friends and I'll probably grumble tired during friday hAHAHHAhaa . BUT BUT perhaps I've been with the "wrong" gurls or I'm WRONG myself anyway. . . everything comes with a price as what my fiancee to be just taught me 10seconds ago . . . I do miss companionship but I'm glad friendship still rawk my world !!!!!!!!!!!!

Fering... if u are reading i'm probably savouring Sue's spaggetties nOW HEHEHHAHahHA i'll post the pic to let u drooL =D !


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