A few pics that I wanna upload but too lazy haha. The blog abit boring without pics man !! here they are !

Introducing Fering and Marcus and of course me !

This is Bui aka Evonne caught in ACTION WHAHHAHAHA

And Ian caught in action too LOL !!! He was the 1 who caught Bui and took her pic and now this is what I call "Feng Shui Lun Liu Zhuan"
Another angle ZOOM-ed in with the I-mode pillow LOL LAR ? I was writting "I'm a Wanker !" on the A3 paper and he woked up crapz !.
hehx ! the old man's outta town yoh ! But I've to wake up @ 7am to send him to the airport =\ The best thing is I've got BK for breakfast. My dad has a huge problem with handling kids, he still paid me for the money to get BK. I'm freaking ( i wanna use the more explicit words but I've decided to mend my ways since I'm going 21 soon ) 20yrs old dad. I'm having a net take home of $1.2k / month and I'm able to buy myself a meal dahz ! Oh well I'm happy lar HAHAH $7 for the meal hehe.
I know it is dangerous and it is against the law to drive with your cellphone on either of our hands BUT BUT BUT I've heard nothing of a Burger hOHOHO. I'm sorry it's AYE zarnwhich ! Lurve the morning breeze with my barley and a crossaint ham with melted cheeze between the egg omelette and salty ham ! Simply DEE- LAY - SHEARS ! Bk wo de zhui ai ! Bui's on leave today and well nothing much to write i recalled.
Friesday! recently had been raining it well it's blardy boring lor ~ People are leaving office early because of StarHub's D&D lar and I could leave too but Sue's going for it so I'm staying to clear the ads booo ! Ian's staying too and Eric and many many so haha I'm not bored. Recently Grace commented that she did not know that I'm such a talkative person and Genie mummy said I only hide at my corner and talk. Blahz how am I suppose to go to office and blablablablablabla whole day long sia, I'm just a prawn or in actual fact a shrimp in the company lar dah !
While trying to clear the boxes Lydia came and "What's that" pointing to ma box and I go haha Empty Box ~ she's in a good mood today man, Serene asked if she wants it HAHAHAH ! <3 ma boss ! not that lurve lar but aiya up to you guys to speculate, I'm cool with it or should i say that had became a fact already.
Went to eat at Queensway area, suppose to get down to restring my racquet but the carpark was f-up, left for office in the end. Everyone left at about 3+ man and haha the ads are cleared even before lunch DOH ~ so we left at about 5 cuz Eric and Bui didn't know they are allowed to leave, wth man dumbos ! I told them lor, heh heh !
Michelle, the temp who replace Fering was still there when we left, she's to wait for Xue Li's call to sign off LOL poor gurl. Left for queensway cuz eric wanna get street soccer shoe and Bui getting her TUTU Kway and me restring my racquet HEHEH ! After that we went to try to book the court @ Delta but it was fully booked doinkz
Drop em @ Redhill and left for home. What a boring day ! although it was quite funneh lar !
Introducing Fering and Marcus and of course me !

This is Bui aka Evonne caught in ACTION WHAHHAHAHA

And Ian caught in action too LOL !!! He was the 1 who caught Bui and took her pic and now this is what I call "Feng Shui Lun Liu Zhuan"

hehx ! the old man's outta town yoh ! But I've to wake up @ 7am to send him to the airport =\ The best thing is I've got BK for breakfast. My dad has a huge problem with handling kids, he still paid me for the money to get BK. I'm freaking ( i wanna use the more explicit words but I've decided to mend my ways since I'm going 21 soon ) 20yrs old dad. I'm having a net take home of $1.2k / month and I'm able to buy myself a meal dahz ! Oh well I'm happy lar HAHAH $7 for the meal hehe.
I know it is dangerous and it is against the law to drive with your cellphone on either of our hands BUT BUT BUT I've heard nothing of a Burger hOHOHO. I'm sorry it's AYE zarnwhich ! Lurve the morning breeze with my barley and a crossaint ham with melted cheeze between the egg omelette and salty ham ! Simply DEE- LAY - SHEARS ! Bk wo de zhui ai ! Bui's on leave today and well nothing much to write i recalled.
Friesday! recently had been raining it well it's blardy boring lor ~ People are leaving office early because of StarHub's D&D lar and I could leave too but Sue's going for it so I'm staying to clear the ads booo ! Ian's staying too and Eric and many many so haha I'm not bored. Recently Grace commented that she did not know that I'm such a talkative person and Genie mummy said I only hide at my corner and talk. Blahz how am I suppose to go to office and blablablablablabla whole day long sia, I'm just a prawn or in actual fact a shrimp in the company lar dah !
While trying to clear the boxes Lydia came and "What's that" pointing to ma box and I go haha Empty Box ~ she's in a good mood today man, Serene asked if she wants it HAHAHAH ! <3 ma boss ! not that lurve lar but aiya up to you guys to speculate, I'm cool with it or should i say that had became a fact already.
Went to eat at Queensway area, suppose to get down to restring my racquet but the carpark was f-up, left for office in the end. Everyone left at about 3+ man and haha the ads are cleared even before lunch DOH ~ so we left at about 5 cuz Eric and Bui didn't know they are allowed to leave, wth man dumbos ! I told them lor, heh heh !
Michelle, the temp who replace Fering was still there when we left, she's to wait for Xue Li's call to sign off LOL poor gurl. Left for queensway cuz eric wanna get street soccer shoe and Bui getting her TUTU Kway and me restring my racquet HEHEH ! After that we went to try to book the court @ Delta but it was fully booked doinkz
Drop em @ Redhill and left for home. What a boring day ! although it was quite funneh lar !