After PT part 1

After PT Part 2

Carl aka Barker Boi aka Bangla with my PSP!

Camwhore me + Jared

this is BOB!

Crazy auntie sticking her whole head into the atm machine. Does she have half a billion? NAH! which idiot even leave half a million in POSB?

My 1st meal with my family on my first book out @ABC market. The auntie had been sms-ing since we were here and still smsing when we left, hip seh!

Kyle trying to touch my hand, ewww !

Buddies @ SP

I've a bunkmate called BOB! and well he's indian so AHHAHAHA !

My desk area @ StarHub, the cozy Siberian corner. That's the flash doing a spidey! My Secrets' poster and loads of post it pad that my colleagues left me for decorations! A few comic strip cut outs which was really farneh dah! and my PC with EVONNE HSU!

Close up of my Spidey Flash™ designed by Ian Tan Hann Honn

MotoQ2h mascot, shit i forgotten the name !_! @ StarHub festive roadshow. My last one haha. I started with Mobile Anniversary a major Marcom mobile lead roadshow and ended with this, the biggest event of the year. Geez tired!

Another 1, btw it was deflated due to technical problems and the kids and parents were in complete shock that their cutie "DIED" There were kids crying FYI !

Haha can StarHub sue em for using our trademark HUBBING!

Geraldines' car on her last day! We decorated for her haha with me including a FAKE NEA parking TICKET!

Controversy? The bear saying "FUCK OFF" while StarHub's free gifts showed the same sign~ hmm?

Ian's bear on top, hear's Erics !

And this is MINE! our bears are damn cool lar!

Those who had left ! Evonne, Ian and next is me !

Close up !
After PT Part 2
Carl aka Barker Boi aka Bangla with my PSP!
Camwhore me + Jared
this is BOB!
Crazy auntie sticking her whole head into the atm machine. Does she have half a billion? NAH! which idiot even leave half a million in POSB?
My 1st meal with my family on my first book out @ABC market. The auntie had been sms-ing since we were here and still smsing when we left, hip seh!
Kyle trying to touch my hand, ewww !
Buddies @ SP
I've a bunkmate called BOB! and well he's indian so AHHAHAHA !
My desk area @ StarHub, the cozy Siberian corner. That's the flash doing a spidey! My Secrets' poster and loads of post it pad that my colleagues left me for decorations! A few comic strip cut outs which was really farneh dah! and my PC with EVONNE HSU!
Close up of my Spidey Flash™ designed by Ian Tan Hann Honn
MotoQ2h mascot, shit i forgotten the name !_! @ StarHub festive roadshow. My last one haha. I started with Mobile Anniversary a major Marcom mobile lead roadshow and ended with this, the biggest event of the year. Geez tired!
Another 1, btw it was deflated due to technical problems and the kids and parents were in complete shock that their cutie "DIED" There were kids crying FYI !
Haha can StarHub sue em for using our trademark HUBBING!
Geraldines' car on her last day! We decorated for her haha with me including a FAKE NEA parking TICKET!
Controversy? The bear saying "FUCK OFF" while StarHub's free gifts showed the same sign~ hmm?
Ian's bear on top, hear's Erics !
And this is MINE! our bears are damn cool lar!
Those who had left ! Evonne, Ian and next is me !
Close up !