Got this song from Gone in 60secs, courtesy of Mr Ian Tan, I thought I never had good relationship with Ians but this, hmmm haha. Anyway yeah thanks to him, I've got the soundtrack of the movie, initially was just to get Party Up, a hip hop irritating song that made him regret his decision to lend me. Not only did I irritate him but cause his car stereo to malfunction ! ?_? long story, tell you all next time.
Yeah was listening to me B-pod ( I-pod video 30gig ) why B= Battle~ cuz the ipod has tonnes of scratches and stuff. Which lead me to actually listening to the song closely for the first time and it goes... I still got your face, painted on my heart... and the image of the part of the movie comes..
AJ said "do you prefer having sex or boosting cars" and cage says "how about having sex while boosting cars?" Before anything could start, the background couple finally started to make love and this song totally fit into the passion, and ecstasy movement accompanied by the shear movement of pleasure and i dunno.~

The Cult Lyrics - Painted on My Heart
I thought you'd be out of my mind
And I'd finally found a way to
Learn to live without you
I thought it was just a matter of time
Till I had a hundred reasons
Not to think about you
But it's just not so
And after all this time
I still can't let go
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
Is love so deep inside of me
I was trying everything that I can
To get my heart to forget you
But it just can't seem to
I guess it's just no use
In every part of me
Is still a part of you
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
Is love so deep inside of me

I just miss you so much . . . oh she ain't dina or whoeva, stole this frm flikr
Yeah was listening to me B-pod ( I-pod video 30gig ) why B= Battle~ cuz the ipod has tonnes of scratches and stuff. Which lead me to actually listening to the song closely for the first time and it goes... I still got your face, painted on my heart... and the image of the part of the movie comes..
AJ said "do you prefer having sex or boosting cars" and cage says "how about having sex while boosting cars?" Before anything could start, the background couple finally started to make love and this song totally fit into the passion, and ecstasy movement accompanied by the shear movement of pleasure and i dunno.~
The Cult Lyrics - Painted on My Heart
I thought you'd be out of my mind
And I'd finally found a way to
Learn to live without you
I thought it was just a matter of time
Till I had a hundred reasons
Not to think about you
But it's just not so
And after all this time
I still can't let go
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
Is love so deep inside of me
I was trying everything that I can
To get my heart to forget you
But it just can't seem to
I guess it's just no use
In every part of me
Is still a part of you
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
Is love so deep inside of me
I just miss you so much . . . oh she ain't dina or whoeva, stole this frm flikr