Went to the "durian" aka esplanade for dessert after a super scrumptious meal thanks to my son Kyle! I'll return you that treat some other day ok? Went pass this and it feels kinda wierd. It's been "haunting" me for awhile recently and quite badly it seems.

Conveniently we're heading down for some chocolate dessert at some place called "wo bu zhi dao" After which I have to left for movie with my bestest chat buddies Caron & Ian. Met Ian at StarHub and got to know him more cuz of GIRLS haha and cars and then Caron. It was NDP Rehersal day so I had to take Train & xfer.
It feels like the 1st time, exactly the waiting, the place, the bus the seat. My heart was pounding heavily then, didn't want to give a bad impression and I should be on the dot or late by 5. Then I alight, rush up and |attempted to look for the theatre was well it was my first few times there| By my watch I was spot on and she wasn't there still and.. that was the 1st time...
Was looking for a pencil case and...

There were too many prints here and there so much so that it's been 19mths 11days since you been away and hmmm ?_?
Chris Daughtry - Used To...
Conveniently we're heading down for some chocolate dessert at some place called "wo bu zhi dao" After which I have to left for movie with my bestest chat buddies Caron & Ian. Met Ian at StarHub and got to know him more cuz of GIRLS haha and cars and then Caron. It was NDP Rehersal day so I had to take Train & xfer.
It feels like the 1st time, exactly the waiting, the place, the bus the seat. My heart was pounding heavily then, didn't want to give a bad impression and I should be on the dot or late by 5. Then I alight, rush up and |attempted to look for the theatre was well it was my first few times there| By my watch I was spot on and she wasn't there still and.. that was the 1st time...
Was looking for a pencil case and...
There were too many prints here and there so much so that it's been 19mths 11days since you been away and hmmm ?_?
Chris Daughtry - Used To...