Sighz* These are my pathetic results. I did aim high but not high enough? The only good news is, I did pass my derivatives, with a C though but so what? I'd rather do a A A F or a A B F instead of my B B C. Why not A A C ? It doesn't look as bad, in fact some might say it is quite good but this just show something; That there are about 4-5 students BETTER than you in a class of 35 and you are not in the top 5% which means I'm not in the million dollar category. Geez! Ain't so that smart eh? Time to wake up asshole.

Henry gave me the "huh?" face, kyle gave me the "what for?". If it can be explained I'd have ditch that long ago right? Haha welcome back to the club Henry! It was nice to be around again but we just got too old to do those crazy stuff eh?
Henry gave me the "huh?" face, kyle gave me the "what for?". If it can be explained I'd have ditch that long ago right? Haha welcome back to the club Henry! It was nice to be around again but we just got too old to do those crazy stuff eh?