Wonderfully crap day today for shopping. Head down to Jaben to try the PK1 and HR1 only to realize the PK1 was out of stock and the HR1 was muddy shitless. Probably because of the awful .22 amp they pair with me. Left the place totally without a clue what had happened to my ears. BLAH!!! Seeking of audio nirvana has never been that easy. If only i were that easily contented, I'd probably settling for my old zen stone plus with stock earphones and merely fishing my life away.
Things couldn't get much worst? Headed down to get CDs and guess what? THEY WERE OUT OF STOCK! The last time I came, they weren't here now they are out of stock, not to mention the imported edition were recalled. Wtfiakz? Jesus...
Oh yeah, before heading for CDs, I was preparing to get the LFC away grey jersey. I thought their (check ket HOW DO I SPELL THE SQUARE BOXES FUX) design was awesome. Indeed they were so great that it so common. Round neck without any nice design ARHGZ!
Oh well at least there were nice things that happen, the company the nice meal and it hurts me though I've seen it through, to see you like that.
I've a weakness for a pair sleek long legs and that particular pretty face...