Horoscope says I'm gonna have a few crushes today and I thought, wth? It ain't gonna be true. Woke up real late b'cuz I slept late, duhz? While rushing to office I saw Roy but we went on different route (Praise the lord I did), and since I was late I was oblivious to my surroundings and suddenly out of no where someone tap on my shoulder while walking past me. *EH~* was my reply and she asked if I remember her ( OF COURSE I DID, she's the smartest girl in my primary 6 class ). She told me her name just to confirm i remembered her, well I just found out she's in medicine, geez what's new eh? She's smart right from the start, 3rd highest result in my Pri Sch, next to RV and I guess that's about it.

Of course i took her number, and oh yeah I totally forgotten about it, SHE LOOKED SO AWESOME !!! Like totally so... angelic with nice twirls and her white hmmm "blazer" goodness gracious me~ Text her and we're meeting next week for lunch. :D what a nice Friday!
I thought I've always have a thing for doctors =x
Of course i took her number, and oh yeah I totally forgotten about it, SHE LOOKED SO AWESOME !!! Like totally so... angelic with nice twirls and her white hmmm "blazer" goodness gracious me~ Text her and we're meeting next week for lunch. :D what a nice Friday!
I thought I've always have a thing for doctors =x