Thursday was fun! Went to the gym with Meng², Dar², Keng Lai & Yvonne. Darran was busy with his arms and well mostly his Biceps 21, though we did the Bicep 15 later, trained my chest and I went over my limit i guess, nearly died the next day! Keng lai was freaking slack? Did less than 20mins and went shower, pussy man
Friday was the best! Morning was slack, I was awfully hungry so I had bee hoon. 2nd half of the day, all 3 of us went for this EQ talk, supposedly to take something away but well it was really bad. She (trainer) started off with so much promise, engaging audiences to participate with activities and introduction... BUT the whole theory part was exceptionally boring and dry.
1. She was teaching us what EQ meant
2. She wasn't talking about how you use EQ to deal with people in general, instead it became something like how to deal with your spouses?
3. She used so much old fashion examples and technique like
a.when you reach home and have to cook and your husband goes watching tv blablabla
b.guys always don't get it
4. etc...
The course finally ended early, poor Dar², trying to sleep but can't haha!
Next stop, the gathering!! Peck², Gowri, Mei², Meng², myself & Kenglai met up for the usual chilling gossip session, this time with the inclusion of Peck². Dar² went for his gym session so he was late.
After much discussion by the ladies to share what they wanted, they got a plate of RAW FOOD! You guys should be there to look at their face, absolutely PRICELESS.
These were what they ordered, all seafood, either smoked or marinated to be added to the pita bread with butter!
And when Dar² came, it was so much fun! First he started saying "Wah Meei Yun very Hot ah!" HAHAHhaA but Meei² was hot lar that day wee uh weet! And Dar² got the best seat of course. And now it is time for this, our very own Darran Low!!

Next up was our turn to be drilled, all 3 of us were "stripped" to our bear feet and told nothing but the truth =\ I forgotten to get them to swear upon their life that whatever was said that day to be kept WITHIN THE FEW OF US!!!
Caron rang me half way through and ask if I wanna hang @ Redhill market, obviously I said yes? How would I wanna miss the fun!! Moreover they came over and fetch me, paiseh siakz.
Had a commotion along the way while queueing for the Yong Tau Fu, sighz, our country has progress so much in terms of alomost everything except our own morals? Thou shall not comment on that dumb lady, the older people are fine well because, 1. I wasn't hungry, 2. They were elderly and 3. If i told Ian, he'd blast @ ALL OF THEM, not forgetting Caron and co. too AHHAHA
The usual stupid topics about movies, cartoons and all my blunders, now I'm called Jia Gong instead of sunflower, kns! Head home at about 3+? And we still had so much fun in the car, disturbing Ian, FIFOOOO FIFOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!~!~
Well ever since my attempts have failed and things have come to a standstill, I've decided to let it rest for awhile, that's why I JOINED DARRAN FOR SOCCER TODAY!!!
Woke up @ 12pm, flew to JP to get my shinguard, and then to braddell! Been so long since I've played on a field and a very large one too. Debut for Mavericks as centre-back, not my most comfortable position but I'm very versatile =x
The game ended 3 - 1 which obviously we won? Dar² scored the 1st goal! We could have gotten the cleansheet but well, we won so wtf?
Went to Dar² place to shower and well well, look at these 3 posters! He's motivation in everything I guess? That's why he never stop running and never stop gyming haha.
Mai siao siao hor, the left poster cost $12 to laminate while the right one cost $30. Left his place @730pm cuz he's going drinking while I'm so tired, I could just freaking die?
YEAH LIVERPOOL WON 3 - 2, luck played such an important part in football so 3pts and a win and I couldn't care less the way we played
Friday was the best! Morning was slack, I was awfully hungry so I had bee hoon. 2nd half of the day, all 3 of us went for this EQ talk, supposedly to take something away but well it was really bad. She (trainer) started off with so much promise, engaging audiences to participate with activities and introduction... BUT the whole theory part was exceptionally boring and dry.
1. She was teaching us what EQ meant
2. She wasn't talking about how you use EQ to deal with people in general, instead it became something like how to deal with your spouses?
3. She used so much old fashion examples and technique like
a.when you reach home and have to cook and your husband goes watching tv blablabla
b.guys always don't get it
4. etc...
The course finally ended early, poor Dar², trying to sleep but can't haha!
Next stop, the gathering!! Peck², Gowri, Mei², Meng², myself & Kenglai met up for the usual chilling gossip session, this time with the inclusion of Peck². Dar² went for his gym session so he was late.
After much discussion by the ladies to share what they wanted, they got a plate of RAW FOOD! You guys should be there to look at their face, absolutely PRICELESS.
And when Dar² came, it was so much fun! First he started saying "Wah Meei Yun very Hot ah!" HAHAHhaA but Meei² was hot lar that day wee uh weet! And Dar² got the best seat of course. And now it is time for this, our very own Darran Low!!
The 1 litre cup of 5.5% German Beer!
He starts gulping down without much effort and look @ his arm!! =P slurpz!
Who's the MAN? DARRAN's THE MAN!!!

Well the place @ Brozeit was great but a tit too noisy? So after Dar² finish his meal we went off to Starbucks for coffee and continue more gossips! After much beers, I've decided to step a little on the gas and ask Meei² a few questions. Sigh* Her answers, or rather the truth were so so so much disappointing, I'd expect so much more man ~_~Next up was our turn to be drilled, all 3 of us were "stripped" to our bear feet and told nothing but the truth =\ I forgotten to get them to swear upon their life that whatever was said that day to be kept WITHIN THE FEW OF US!!!
Caron rang me half way through and ask if I wanna hang @ Redhill market, obviously I said yes? How would I wanna miss the fun!! Moreover they came over and fetch me, paiseh siakz.
Had a commotion along the way while queueing for the Yong Tau Fu, sighz, our country has progress so much in terms of alomost everything except our own morals? Thou shall not comment on that dumb lady, the older people are fine well because, 1. I wasn't hungry, 2. They were elderly and 3. If i told Ian, he'd blast @ ALL OF THEM, not forgetting Caron and co. too AHHAHA
The usual stupid topics about movies, cartoons and all my blunders, now I'm called Jia Gong instead of sunflower, kns! Head home at about 3+? And we still had so much fun in the car, disturbing Ian, FIFOOOO FIFOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!~!~
Well ever since my attempts have failed and things have come to a standstill, I've decided to let it rest for awhile, that's why I JOINED DARRAN FOR SOCCER TODAY!!!
Woke up @ 12pm, flew to JP to get my shinguard, and then to braddell! Been so long since I've played on a field and a very large one too. Debut for Mavericks as centre-back, not my most comfortable position but I'm very versatile =x
The game ended 3 - 1 which obviously we won? Dar² scored the 1st goal! We could have gotten the cleansheet but well, we won so wtf?
Went to Dar² place to shower and well well, look at these 3 posters! He's motivation in everything I guess? That's why he never stop running and never stop gyming haha.
YEAH LIVERPOOL WON 3 - 2, luck played such an important part in football so 3pts and a win and I couldn't care less the way we played