honestly I don't know if she is the 木头 or he is 木头 or they both are 木头s. Perhaps after what he did, she had no response or maybe what he did was actually nothing? or maybe both are just idiots! Sighz* should have gave her a ring or msn then but I didn't, end up in class @7pm while she was already there at 6:3X. There goes the most valuable 20 odd minutes?
Class effectively end next week and this week is officially over? I'm out of my wits and out of stamina. I'm a techie so without technology; she doesn't msn/sms very actively. I think, all my available options are gone, not to mention time was never on my side.
Anyway we have a few interesting topics and well she was never the initiator, she'd simply just let "him" go and right now she's got no one going after her. Duhz? I told her I have and blahz, am I going to go like, DUH? AREN'T I CHASING AFTER YOU DUMFUCT DIMWIT!! ROAR*
I've got the a nice parting gift in mind though...
难道我就这样让她消失吗 ??