i lost something precious. That is about the only thing left I'm using, that was given to me by her. My black, adidas cap with gold strips & printings. I left it at my old place's coffee shop, what a nostalgic place to lose such a precious item. Then again, I'd say it doesn't really matter anymore because we were dead long ago and I could hardly give a damn, I just wish I had it for memories sake.

Anyway, I strained my ankle ligament again, this time was my Anchilies Tendon. I was attempting to clear the ball that was going in front of me, shifting my weight firmly to my left side, while swinging my right leg, the attacker came and give me a light nudge, I slipped. The good news was, the ball was cleared nicely, the bad news, I got injured real bad. The swelling has gone but I can barely walk properly...
Anyway, I strained my ankle ligament again, this time was my Anchilies Tendon. I was attempting to clear the ball that was going in front of me, shifting my weight firmly to my left side, while swinging my right leg, the attacker came and give me a light nudge, I slipped. The good news was, the ball was cleared nicely, the bad news, I got injured real bad. The swelling has gone but I can barely walk properly...