"Hello, Ah Jie ah ~"
"Hey is Jamie ah"
"Erh, Jamie?"
"Jamie from Starhub lar aiyo"
Opps, been almost a year since we met or chat, she is an ex-colleague from StarHub. She called to check on what I was doing and well, brought along a crazy news! A job for me. It's really great because Geary and Angela are at OCBC too, so I'd already have friends. Moreover I've been helping Jamie on stuff before and the tasks entrusted to me are really what I used to enjoy doing. I should start Jan 2010 @ OCBC with their Marketing team. I'm in a bank doing marketing but well internal transfers are much easier eh?
I'm really excited to be working again, with them. School will not be an issue due to the fix 9 - 5 working hrs! Pay wise, I'd expect it to be $1800 or substantially more than what I used to be getting at StarHub of $1500.
Gone are the worries and anxiety of my cash flow issues... Can't wait!