Been too long since I've last travel across the check point! Blah, I woke up late, and missed my class, what a total disaster, been so long since I've done such irresponsible stuff. And well, I couldn't sleep so I thought why not do up my YEI 2010 Calender? It took me 2.5hrs to complete x_X sheesh! I absolutely have NO creativity.
1400hrs: Malaysia here I come!
1500hrs: Bak Kut Teh (Herbal-Tea Pork Ribs Soup) They still taste the same, last time I had it, it was half a decade ago. I had 2 portions of the "Kou Rou"(Stew Lean Pork) and "Xian Cai"(Salted Vegetable) surprisingly accompanied by 2 bowls of rice! X_X FAT!
1600hrs: Shopping @ Holiday Plaza and found my long desired bengish POLO TEE + Big buckle belt!~ If only I waited 2 days longer, I'd have bleach my hair and I'd be a total BENG!

1900hrs: Groceries @ Perling

2030hrs: Dinner
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time ~
1400hrs: Malaysia here I come!
1500hrs: Bak Kut Teh (Herbal-Tea Pork Ribs Soup) They still taste the same, last time I had it, it was half a decade ago. I had 2 portions of the "Kou Rou"(Stew Lean Pork) and "Xian Cai"(Salted Vegetable) surprisingly accompanied by 2 bowls of rice! X_X FAT!
1600hrs: Shopping @ Holiday Plaza and found my long desired bengish POLO TEE + Big buckle belt!~ If only I waited 2 days longer, I'd have bleach my hair and I'd be a total BENG!
The Subaru STi (Subaru Technica International) Polo Tee + the pirated LV leather belt with a huge buckle!

1900hrs: Groceries @ Perling
Check out the old school toys, memories ~ Especially the toy soldiers, my all time favourite! Skirmish battles, RED ARMY vs GREEN ARMY!!! Those were the days...

2030hrs: Dinner
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time ~