I was feeling hungry because i didn't had dinner. Drove to a nearby coffee shop to get food but then I thought, why not just make myself something instead? Went to Sheng Siong Supermarket and grab myself,

4burger bread
1pack of beacon
4 tomatoes
1 pack of lettuce
$9.80 thank you. It's freaking $10 here yo? Standard of living has gone up too much too fast that even though I've been paying most of my own expenditure, i still couldn't get over the cost of living in Singapore. Then again there are worsts
New York City
Hong Kong

Trace is less than a decade older than me, married and with kids, she's living in Hong Kong, one of the crazy region too. Sigh, I can't really grumble much eh?
an old verse from our local drama's OST. . .
4burger bread
1pack of beacon
4 tomatoes
1 pack of lettuce
$9.80 thank you. It's freaking $10 here yo? Standard of living has gone up too much too fast that even though I've been paying most of my own expenditure, i still couldn't get over the cost of living in Singapore. Then again there are worsts
New York City
Hong Kong
Trace is less than a decade older than me, married and with kids, she's living in Hong Kong, one of the crazy region too. Sigh, I can't really grumble much eh?
an old verse from our local drama's OST. . .