Love is such a contagious viral, ever since Sunday morning, after completing the series thus far, I've been yearning for love too. When I was going home from school, while boarding the bus, there was this girl who is trying hint that boy to kinda hold her hand or something like that?
She went "ahh you're so skinny, you see, i could see all your bones and veins" while poking his left wrist, fingers, and then his right hands as well. She left them "connected" for awhile before taking them back. A moment of silence and then she started talking and went back, this time sort of grabbing his hands already? BUT he just stood there, like a total BLOCKHEAD ( Cheng Peng is also a Block Head but he's the Head of a Block ). Just grab her hand already dimwit!!
Aish.. so pissed, and so lack of love, been 3 years and counting...
Here's their duet with a few nice scenes from We Got Married.