I'm finally 23 years old, the age I'd die to be in, while i was in my younger days, often wanted to be older, to be more independent. Here I am, being 23 . . . *Deep Breathes* I'm honestly feeling the heat, responsibilities, expectations and failures of the tomorrows.
So people, be careful what you wished for . . .
Last Sunday, Caron & Ian already invited me out for Laksa Steamboat, I've asked them up umpteen times before if it's just the 3 of us. Well, when we reached the carpark, I saw Noel's Civic Type R. Upon reaching our seats, I saw Bernie and Ai Lei !!! and there were EMPTY SEATS.
Deep within me was like, "FUCK! I wasn't groom at all, because school's tomorrow and if I shave today, I'll have 5pm shadows when I'm in school, and I'm in flip flops ... "
Then we started greeting one another happy cny and then Bernie goes "EH Happy Birthday!" I was like, huh? I thought I heard wrongly and so did everyone else.
Jim and Koh² couldn't make it *phew for jimbo!!* Koh² sent me a text and then I realized, *sigh* Caron arranged a special b'day dinner for me.

My birthday cake, which I sportingly used this pic as my display pic on facebook, but no one realized eh? It says "FLOWER BIRTHDAY"

Thank you Bernard and Ai Lei for getting this cake for me, and going through a "tough time" getting the bakery staff to write these 2 awesome words on the cake! (They were made to write the "note" on a piece of paper because well, the kitchen did not believed these were the exact words ahhahahha)
Lynette got me choco from Japan, and a Hello Kitty reusable bag for my sis! Susan, Caron, Ian, Noel gave me ang baos too ~_~
I'm already 23, my parents already stop giving me ang baos, feels really weird receiving from them, especially Su lar!! We're not that close but but but thanks yeah. The amounts were quite substantial, I'll put it to good use ok! I can buy my new running shoes, working cloths and also our Batam trip in March!
The gang head over to Ian's workplace first, and we all ended up "gambling" there. Of course I won aha~ We're playing Blackjack (I started gambling at the age of 6 =x) So yeah I won quite a bit hehe!
Thank you Bernard, Ai Lie, Lynette, Noel, Caron, Ian, Jason & Jim so much for spending the time with me ~ Especially the JP Morgan peeps! and Caron duhz?! It must be you right! Always you who create such surprises haha. =)
23 happy and unforgettable fun years have passed, from this day on, I must stop all my nonsense, get a firm grip of my life and start pushing myself towards a bigger, better and brighter future . . .
I believe I can, I know I will ~
So people, be careful what you wished for . . .
Last Sunday, Caron & Ian already invited me out for Laksa Steamboat, I've asked them up umpteen times before if it's just the 3 of us. Well, when we reached the carpark, I saw Noel's Civic Type R. Upon reaching our seats, I saw Bernie and Ai Lei !!! and there were EMPTY SEATS.
Deep within me was like, "FUCK! I wasn't groom at all, because school's tomorrow and if I shave today, I'll have 5pm shadows when I'm in school, and I'm in flip flops ... "
Then we started greeting one another happy cny and then Bernie goes "EH Happy Birthday!" I was like, huh? I thought I heard wrongly and so did everyone else.
Jim and Koh² couldn't make it *phew for jimbo!!* Koh² sent me a text and then I realized, *sigh* Caron arranged a special b'day dinner for me.
My hair completely disastrous, too long to spike, too short to style
My birthday cake, which I sportingly used this pic as my display pic on facebook, but no one realized eh? It says "FLOWER BIRTHDAY"
Thank you Bernard and Ai Lei for getting this cake for me, and going through a "tough time" getting the bakery staff to write these 2 awesome words on the cake! (They were made to write the "note" on a piece of paper because well, the kitchen did not believed these were the exact words ahhahahha)
Lynette got me choco from Japan, and a Hello Kitty reusable bag for my sis! Susan, Caron, Ian, Noel gave me ang baos too ~_~
I'm already 23, my parents already stop giving me ang baos, feels really weird receiving from them, especially Su lar!! We're not that close but but but thanks yeah. The amounts were quite substantial, I'll put it to good use ok! I can buy my new running shoes, working cloths and also our Batam trip in March!
The gang head over to Ian's workplace first, and we all ended up "gambling" there. Of course I won aha~ We're playing Blackjack (I started gambling at the age of 6 =x) So yeah I won quite a bit hehe!
Thank you Bernard, Ai Lie, Lynette, Noel, Caron, Ian, Jason & Jim so much for spending the time with me ~ Especially the JP Morgan peeps! and Caron duhz?! It must be you right! Always you who create such surprises haha. =)
23 happy and unforgettable fun years have passed, from this day on, I must stop all my nonsense, get a firm grip of my life and start pushing myself towards a bigger, better and brighter future . . .
I believe I can, I know I will ~