Preview of Kusu Island Photos!
Nikon D90 and me!

Woke up at 8am today, had to head down to town to sign my contract with agency with regards to my next job with OCBC. Nothing much to be negotiated, everything was fixed, printed and what awaits was merely my signature.
Salary was my minimum asking amount, what made me accept this is that I've proper benefits like MC, Annual Leave and Medical Claims, on top of these I'm allowed to claim OT, but of course at the discretion of my employers.
Got everything done and head back to PS for breakfast...
Before the meeting at Peace Centre, I had to go through PS to get there, I went past this Brautwurst stall, at Basement 2 of PS and I think I saw her. She was my first eye candy back then, during my Poly days? I wasn't sure if she was really her, but I still remembered her black framed spectacles with her long silky pony tail.
So, anyway, back to breakfast! I was on my way back to basement 2 to confirm my, hmmm, shall we call "awareness"? I saw BK! and well, since BK's breakfast had always been my favourite and I've not ate it for months so why not?
The usual "Breakfast King Meal" w/ ham and Barley!

I was at the only couch area BK has, enjoying my lovely hot sandwich in my "ah beng" posture; 1 leg upon the seat, the other leg down, most of you have seen my unglam/unique/rude seating postures already. Life's a bliss, when you can just have breakfast like this once in awhile . . .
Back to the main topic!!! My eye candy, as I went back down to Basement 2 to get to the train station, I walk past that same stall and glance over to her, OMgosh?! She is still working there after like so MANY YEARS? What are the odds?! I thought of getting a brautwurst too but haha, it's freaking $7++ and I was already so full.
She looked older but well aha, the geeky specs =P~ ~
and. . . I'm back home !