I made someone cried, like really cry. I thought she was joking but anyway, I didn't meant it.
Mari and her 3 puppies aka. マリと子犬の物語 (2007)
I miss boy² and roxy so much now.
Death is one touchy topic that I've never like discussing. Days when we were younger, still in uniforms and holding hands, sometimes we get to see kids having a tiny squarish piece of colored cloth, pinned onto their clothing. Anyone of you remembered that, or wore that before ~
When i first got to know it's true meaning, I had insomnia for a week. I was 5
As I grew older, hitting double digits, I saw a few friends having to miss lessons because of that and I asked them how it was like and, they told me the fun stuff like staying up all night, learning how two play mahjong, having endless food to eat and all...
I closest person that pass on, would be my grandmother's cousin. She used to own a stall at the market and I would eat there every weekend ~ Her daughter, my aunt was hysterical that day...
Both my grandparents are around still. Healthy and wise ~ As the days go by, I can't help but realize the fact that we all have to go through this mental torture or emotion breakdown period. I believe I can't do this ...
And that's precisely the point why my mum disallow me to keep dogs. Not because of my nose, not because it's dirty or messy or smelly, simply because she gets overly attached to living things. Average lifespan of dogs is between 8 - 14years ... she can't take death.
sigh ~ i can't take death too but I have to deal with it somehow right?
Paying Taxes & Death are unavoidable in life.
Mari and her 3 puppies aka. マリと子犬の物語 (2007)
I miss boy² and roxy so much now.
Death is one touchy topic that I've never like discussing. Days when we were younger, still in uniforms and holding hands, sometimes we get to see kids having a tiny squarish piece of colored cloth, pinned onto their clothing. Anyone of you remembered that, or wore that before ~
When i first got to know it's true meaning, I had insomnia for a week. I was 5
As I grew older, hitting double digits, I saw a few friends having to miss lessons because of that and I asked them how it was like and, they told me the fun stuff like staying up all night, learning how two play mahjong, having endless food to eat and all...
I closest person that pass on, would be my grandmother's cousin. She used to own a stall at the market and I would eat there every weekend ~ Her daughter, my aunt was hysterical that day...
Both my grandparents are around still. Healthy and wise ~ As the days go by, I can't help but realize the fact that we all have to go through this mental torture or emotion breakdown period. I believe I can't do this ...
And that's precisely the point why my mum disallow me to keep dogs. Not because of my nose, not because it's dirty or messy or smelly, simply because she gets overly attached to living things. Average lifespan of dogs is between 8 - 14years ... she can't take death.
sigh ~ i can't take death too but I have to deal with it somehow right?