Officially, UOL Ba. Accounting & Finance is over.
POA: B / 60
PBF: C / 50
Stats + Math: C / 50
Econs: U / 12
Modules to be take for 2010/2011 Year 2
Intro to Econs (Retake)
Accounts Reporting
Financial Management
Principles of Sociology
Time table: Mon - Fri 7pm - 10pm.
Target: 2nd Upper Honours ( 540marks / average 8Bs )
Requirement for Year 2: 2As, 3Bs
Chances of 2nd upper, odds 1:3, 25% chance, considering of the workload and school load I've on hand. Even 2nd lower seems enough challenge.
Enough said, Sept 22nd 2010 onwards, no time for fooling around, full speed ahead. Live life to the fullest, with no regrets. Till then, enjoy what I can, what I have.
People asked me why didn't I attend my on graduation, I said why do I want to be there clapping hands for others while feeling miserable or sorry for myself... If I ain't going to make 2nd class, then I'll never have the chance to throw that ugly hat ever again ^^
POA: B / 60
PBF: C / 50
Stats + Math: C / 50
Econs: U / 12
Modules to be take for 2010/2011 Year 2
Intro to Econs (Retake)
Accounts Reporting
Financial Management
Principles of Sociology
Time table: Mon - Fri 7pm - 10pm.
Target: 2nd Upper Honours ( 540marks / average 8Bs )
Requirement for Year 2: 2As, 3Bs
Enough said, Sept 22nd 2010 onwards, no time for fooling around, full speed ahead. Live life to the fullest, with no regrets. Till then, enjoy what I can, what I have.
People asked me why didn't I attend my on graduation, I said why do I want to be there clapping hands for others while feeling miserable or sorry for myself... If I ain't going to make 2nd class, then I'll never have the chance to throw that ugly hat ever again ^^