I told myself I'd get a weekly cup of Starbucks just to energize myself for being such a hardworking kid. Today, during lunch, I walked to Starbucks, and as I gaze at my favourite drink, looking at the price;$7.30 nett. I might as well get a nice set of salad !
I U-turned and went to Food Barn and checked out the salad, roasted chicken with mushrooms, $7.00 nett. I walked back to my office.
Recently I found a real steal, an Olympus E510 Entry level DSLR with a really good entry Kit Lens, with warranty going for $390.00 2nd hand though. Retail should be $999.00. I just text the guy that I will not be getting the camera.
I really love a cam

I went to NTUC to grab some items lacking to make my salad, Shiitake mushrooms, lettuce, tomatoes and 2 cans of Tuna... I put it back and settle for whatever is left at home. For dinner.
Niao, is how you pronounce cat, in Hokkien, a Chinese Dialect. Stingy, is it's meaning.
3 months back, I told myself to save for the Liverpool trip, or at least something worthy. I spent $100 on a wireless keyboard + mse set. I am not going to make any Tech purchases till 2011, it's my promise to myself.

This is concentration. Trained by the grandma. Pic taken at OCBC Mighty Savers™ Roadshow.

I took the picture with my lousy handphone cam, in a cab
you've no idea.. do you?
Anyway I'm going jogging tomorrow night, because don't eat won't die ~