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I seriously have no idea where to start...

Most would know that I blog like I'm trying to write a 10,000 thesis about living, or writing a never ending boring book. It's in such details because I do have a very short-term memory, when I back-read, I remember all the fun minor details that are lost along the way.

I've not started revising my notes at all, where's a rough gauge at where I am

Intro to Economics: 70%
Sociology: 20%
Financial Management: 50%
Audit: 40%
Financial Reporting: 40%

An ex-crush was with me during my econs class, she used to wear braces ^^, I don't want to fail econs again hence more effort and I understood more. I missed half of my sociology lessons due to National Service Reservist, those lessons were core for exams purposes and sociology is about content and indepth understanding about ideology of different sociologists, i've yet to start. FM is a tier higher than PBF, I think I can figure em out by referring and self studying. Audit is tough, I missed 1 lecture, it's quite boring and dry and you need abundance of knowledge about recent events and audit/accounting policies etc. Financial Reporting is like POA, you can do it the lazy and stupid way, or try to really understand. I missed 1 lesson and it might prove costly.

I was sick on Sunday evening, after dinner, didn't have much fruits and fluid thus at the receiving end of my own ignorance; the body does give signs and warnings, I simply ignore it. Lasts till Wednesday.


I'm already so sick and tired of the songs of Wonder Girls on my PSP, honestly. The only reason why they're not out of my player ...

Park Ye Eun's voice, stood out just like that, stunningly unique, filled with explosive passion for music and ...

People say "You're really hardcore Wonder Girls fan" I just smile.


Selina of S.H.E, the Taiwan female trio group, was on the covers of most papers. She had 4th degree burn on her body, this is only after one brave soul who put his body in front of Selina... nothing was said much about that guy, because he wasn't at all famous.

It brings me to... if I could save a life, by exchanging mine, anytime now, I'd just do it. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone; A sweet escape, saved a life too.


我真的很不快乐。。。 自从二 O O 七年起,我就立下了自己的目标。二 O 一 一年就快要过去了,我不但一点儿进步也没有,反而还比当年来的要糟糕。很多人都说我的比喻是不公平的,我应该照着现在的状况来衡量自己当初所摄下的目标。但是我觉得这些都只是安慰自己的烂借口。。。


荣顺给缘忆娶了外号 - 小熊猫~ 我也不知道的中文名这么样写 ~ 就是不想让小熊猫看到我说写的一切, 因为就, 家家有本难念的经,我就是爱发牢骚,也就不想别人多操心之类的。。。我很确认的是雷纳根本都不可能了解我再说设么!~ xD

但我告诉过自己,这是我唯一能够真正面对自己的地方,懂得语言也只有那两个。。。 但要把内心的感触用中文来表达,的确非常困难。。。

我的中文也不过如此。。。 B3 吧了。 我放弃了,回到英文吧~

I'm so sick of the pace of life in Singapore. Squeeze your ass just to get into the train to work, and then fight for a place on the company transport, work your ass off at work, rush to class in a sardine packed bus. Long bumpy uncomfortable ride finally ended, the perfect condition to start the learning experience.

Close to 9pm at Jurong Point, you have to queue so darn long just to withdraw cash, and queue again at a Fast Food Restaurant, I gave up queueing and went straight home. It's just so irritable, and annoying, I'm so angsty, sluggish, unmotivated, drained and just felt like a living dead.

I so wanted to be just a simple diploma kid, having just enough, and being happy because life around me is simply mediocre. Being able to have a psp is like buying a brand new car, having Crystal Jade is as wonderful as going to Paris to eat escagots. To not be judge base on how fat your bank account is, whether do you drive or own credit cards, how do you look, what certification do you have, but just as a Human Being.

Challenge to Singapore: To be a truly globalized City
-Straits Times or TNP

We already lost our hawker centres, most wet markets are proposed to be tear down, playgrounds that are barely half a story high, with sponge mats... what more do you want to take away from this country just by producing the superficial "surface materials" the super rich, dying to be rich dream and yearn to have or become.

Countless occasions, for the better part of 2009/2010 I've told myself, it's merely the low point, it's rock bottom, the only way is up. How many times must I come back to square one again? How many times must I look at the same surroundings, the same shit, the same crap, if only it's the same, it ain't! IT'S FUCKING GETTING WORST !

This just don't sound right, it never sounded like me, like that, I've always believe... I still do, but I just lost it.

Passionless, outta gas... I need some time, away, alone, i really don't know...


sick and tired


Definition of SICK AND TIRED

having one's patience, interest, or pleasure exhausted sick and tired of wasting her time at long, pointless meetings>
早已经猜透看透不想多说只是我怕眼泪撑不住~ 不懂。。。到底发生了什么事

***I'm not suicidal, just in case -_-""


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