I'm suppose to head to my SIM UOL revision lecture today. It was for the module I retake this sem, Intro To Econs, which I failed last sem. Here I am writing this entry. Quite a huge chunk of things had happened recently, work, home, my own life etc. Mostly from work and the stress of exams creeping on to me. Barely able to sleep, I'm always having exams in my dreams, doing my questions or revising, in my dreams and I would jump up, right in the middle of the night. I no longer am able to have the rest I need. I've been sleeping, on average, 10 hours a day. Yes, I do not have school for the past 2 weeks, and I have been sleeping my days away. 4 weeks till exam, 5 papers. I'll be glad if I can clear them all. Work's really hell, the load... well, try not to talk about load, for now. My friends, my colleagues... my comrades... Every month-end is living hell, we fight, we battle, together. The support from the other teams are absurdly crucial, especially so, in such a