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Cost .

Kryptonite - Superman's Achilles heel.
Education - My Achilles heel.

A few years back, while watching this Japanese Animation, or Anime, Full Metal Panic, The Second Raid, there was this scene where 1 of the character was dying, in his dying breath he explained the "death card", somewhat about god hated men so badly that he just dealt t he death card and everyone would simply perish.

Well, I was dealt 1 last Friday.

I only had to pass my Intro to Economics, it was my 3rd and final try, 1st attempt was a total fluke, I didn't even studied for it but was told I had to attempt. 2nd attempt was 2 marks short, this time round I was 5 marks short. Weird? I thought so too.

London School of Economics and Political Science DO NOT allow students to take a module more than thrice, which was bad news to me, I had a core module - Managerial Econs which Intro to Econs was the pre-requisite, therefore I am now forced to change my course of study from Accounting & Finance to whichever degree that does not have an intro to econs pre-requisite. - Biz Degree.

No offense to Biz students, AnF degree definitely am more prestigious BUT that is not the reason I chose AnF, it's simply because I am just good with it. I've never failed any other Finance or Accounting modules, in fact, both my Finance and Accounts modules were my top results. Enough said, all's done.

Another bullet to the heart is, I SUCK AT BIZ UNITS, which are classified as Management units in general. The 2 elective Management units that I've took, totally beaten me to death.

I've the following modules to take
1. Management Accounting
2. Intro to Biz Management
3. Principles of Marketing
4. Management Mathematics or Organization theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach

IBM and Marketing are ridiculously content heavy mods, I can't do content but I can do Finance contents, because they made sense, hence I am only left with MM, to balance out my load. Sep - Mar would be the curriculum, , 6 months for 4 full modules, no easy feat.

I've also have to include my failed modules, else I have to head into the 5th year to complete my degree. In a way thank god I took those 2 ridiculously retarded modules, else I would 100% have to go into my 5th year and god knows I will just quit school for it.



God did not forsake me nor did he dealt me a death-card for no apparent reason. In my early years as an undergrade, god has actually guided me well intot all my papers. I had the luck in exams as long as I put in conscience effort to study and attend lesson (except econs, i've no idea why), so why now, simply because I deserved it.

Attendance yr 3: Barely 10%, what do you expect god to do :)

It's not the 1st time I've been into similar plight which I dug my own grave, my O levels was yet another catastrophe, went into Mech Engin in SP, got to know a bunch of great friends, got into StarHub and met even greater people...

My future looks gloom, my last 2 employment were based on the fact that I took a good degree from a prestigious university. When pepople ask where do you study, you should say you are taking a degree from LSE in SIM instead of saying just SIM. LSE is rank consistently as one of the top 50 units the world.

The fact that my degree will no longer be accounts & finance based, puts my future in jeopardy...

I wouldn't say I ain't dissappointed, I truly am, I just hope it all pans out well like it used to, and I will graduate come 2013.

Ain't the end of the world, I won't go crying because I've never cared or am proud of academic achievements. My past achievements are so that I can be given a new PC or just to shut my parents or my relatives up.

As long as I work, i won't go hungry.

People say i'm a god waste of talent, I guess my "way of life" is nothing but legend itself, in the making...

This is a per-lude to what I'm actually hoping to achieve, after 25 years breathing, from riches to rags and famous to shit ~

Life goes on, different perspective


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