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Our nation's future ?


Most would have heard about the "white paper" saga. Yes, it is one of the hottest topic in the country. In a nutshell, our government is saying that we will be increasing our population to 6,900,000 people living in the little red dot.

In 2006:
Total Population: 4million
Singaporean: 3million
PR: 290,000
Non-Residents: 750,000  

In 2011:
Total Population: 5million
Singaporean: 3.2 million (63%)
PR: 541,000 (11%)
Non-Residents: 1.3million (26%)

Non-reisdents and PRs have increased tremendously while "real" Singaporean has diluted. And if you must know, I can personally guarantee you that out of the 200k increase in Singaporeans, more than 50% are "fake" Singaporeans. The word used may be harsh and I'd agree on that but fact remains, they are converted Singaporeans.

Many still have yet any idea why the uproar. Anyway here's a preview from a local youth    

hey curious. what's your view on the 6.9m population thingy
 u ok with it or...
XXXX [10:53]:
 its not 6.9 m
 the paper didnt write 6.9 m population it just say capacity for 6.9 m
 doesnt mean its going to go up to 6.9
 people misread it
 but then it really depends if it has to be it has to eb...else singapore will become malaysia soon....50 years also never change
 coz if u take a look at china
 its crazy the changes within a year is like massive...if we dont reduce our costs right
 in terms of labour...
 we confirm die lah
 u think shipping port can last long meh
 if indonesia grows faster than us...they can develop a port much better than ours
 and also airport..
 go to bali they are developing a new airport thats is pretty massive...or even KL most of the budget airlines are situated there
Me [10:55]:
 u've the same view as XXXX lol
XXXXX [10:55]:
 hahaha coz its the reality
 i mean i hate the fact that
 there are so many epople
 in singapore
 but its better to be squeezing outside than to be really tight on money
 one day
Me [10:56]:
 looking at the bigger picture ^^
XXXXX [10:56]:
 yeahh....anws i think people like to complain too much lah
 not like they are pooor or wad....they just want to be greedier
 and have more..
 like esp people who complain so much...are the really quite well off ones
 i realise
Me [10:57]:
 medium income grp
XXXXX [10:57]:
 hahaha which is me but i went through ebing really poor before...
 and if u look at the systems overseas
 its so much worse
Me [10:57]:
 bi shang bi zhu bi xia you yu lar
XXXX [10:58]:
 i think maybe the gvt just need to tweak their policies abit lah
 but dont think people coming in can be changed...wells to be honest they should not be hiring that many people at the top anws
 coz its not the jobs at the top that cant be filled
 is the jobs at the bottom
 singaporeans dont wanna do....

She is a local graduate earning a comfortable salary, she said that she's been poor and finally she's seen light and from what she's saying, i guess she's trying to say that everyone can see light just like her. I do not disagree totally... but fact remains, in a class of 40, there's 1st and then there's last. Not everyone can be successful, especially when competition is this intense.

The main part that most educate and financially capable people fail to recognize is that - The bigger picture, will not be there to be seen or felt, by those that have to worry about food, school fees, transportation, and when they grow up seeing people carrying MacBook, Ipod, Itouch and Iphones, material items and they do not have, they became update. This is anomie, a sociology term to describe a state of resentment due to society constant "reminders" and "expectations" of what's "enough" or "successful". When someone can easily eat a $15.00 meal without batting an eyelid while others, live that amount for a week, how can someone simply put "they just want to be greedier, want to have more" there was rage when I read that, while you can have a $6.50 coffee and others have to think before having a $1.20 ice coffee from coffee shop, what right do you have, to pass a comment like that?
Yes I may be very emotional and most definitely am wrong to criticize my comments like that, but I simply couldn’t agree, what did she meant by Singaporeans do not want to work in low level jobs? Why don’t you try working for that salary and try to live a simple life, a life that no one look down upon on you, no one judge you on what brand of apparel you wear, the way you style your hair, the accent you speak…
 And don't talk about dating, marriage? Give me a god damn break.
The latter part which she got it spot on, the government, “i think maybe the gvt just need to tweak their policies abit lah” I’ve nothing to say about government, I lost faith in that “system”. “Politics are the same, everywhere” I quote my beloved nuna, and I agree totally, with money comes power, and men with power, lost their human instincts, becomes predators that feeds on preys to satisfy their need for recognition of their power.
I shan’t go into details on how foreigners have diluted our real-wage nor how our courteous society has turned into a fugly world. It’s depressing living in a world like that.
God I rest my case, for a very long time I’ve not try to “talk” to you because I knew you’re needed elsewhere, but please show me some light in this ever hideous world, especially when I was brought up when this place was paradise. 

I really do not know what to expect anymore.


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