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4 months ago, I dread going to work, called in "sick" a lot, hated my job.

I don't even care if there's a public holiday in the week these days. That was how much things have changed. A big thank you to the grad buddy I've met, and to Ms Cheong, who tried to get me more involved in the team. Of course the lack of a true leader meant stewardship was lacking, but in times of struggle, teamwork and team spirit was formed; truly what I am really looking for. That surge of drive to want to complete the tasks, the thriving pressure to deliver assignments by deadlines, that was what I signed up for.

I didn't show much enthusiasm to begin with, that I've never deny my actions. Moving from such a independent role with control, responsibility and empowerment, I left to venture into a larger pond, hoping for a more challenging role. Yet what I got, was then, a "filling in" role. I think I did went to a wee bit of depression for a while, the emptiness within, the stares and words of my peers weren't really helping.

My stakeholders initially did not have much faith or hopes for me, I was thrown with basic admin and brainless work. Which, I did them with 200% enthusiasm and professionalism. My mother has always emphasize the importance of the "Fundamentals" or "Basics", she once said "If you cannot even fulfill such simple tasks with ease, what make you think that people will entrust a job with higher responsibility to you". Hence, I've never once looked down upon any work given, be it filling, photocopying or even sorting mails, I tried to do the best that I can, filling chronologically with proper labels etc.

A wee bit of luck as well I guess? They've started noticing my efforts and my optimism towards work in general. And began to appreciate and entrust me with more work.

To be honest, I've made fun of people upteem times when they said they're about to die from doing nothing. Karma has to be my bestest friend, and I've had a taste of what it's like, to be doing absolutely nothing, at work. I guess this has to be one of the factor that drives me to work that hard.

I've been well taken cared of, luxurious lunches, Korean, Japanese, Chinese ~ to daily coffees, be it the typical local coffees to your overpriced Starbucks or Spinellis. Breakfast are provided too at times. *Shrugs*

I guess my thrifty spending "culture" sort of, amazes them, 6 work shirts, 3 work pants, since the day I start work. Used to be using a china clone mobile phone, lost his phone and been living without it for more than 2 weeks. Buys food from the cheapest area 5 days a week, throws a fit when paid for overprice lunch which cost less than their coffee.

I know most of my generation kids, especially at my age, will splurge on $12 salads, $20 set lunches, $200 shirts without batting an eyelid. I'm different not because I'm thrifty, I just spend things on different stuff, and well I've to pay for my education, hence, I've to survive on a strict budget yet maximize every dollar. Probably knocked them off their chairs that people like me is still around, well at least not seen in Raffles Place, less Deutsche Bank.

If you must know, the next pay grade is earning 2/3 more than my current salary, so the next level etc would kind of "pity" my plight. I did not scrim and save so that I could take advantage of people nor do I want them to pity me, It's just my way of life, I was brought up this way, spend what you need, save what you don't need and splurge what's left.

They've been checking on my contract status and my working hours, not my clocking in time, I'm always punctual, rather that I don't stay back. I find it odd, but I'll enjoy it now, before I'd really have to work on weekends, they all do. I was chased home today at 5:50pm, official hours is till 6:00pm, it's part of the culture that people leave 1 - 2hrs earlier on eve of Public Holidays.

It'll be a year at Deutsche Bank, come 19th June 2013, time didn't just fly by, it blinked past me....


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