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Education ... updates

Been firing blanks  for the last 3 attempts when I've logged into my own blog, started with a few topics, mind was completely blank.

Anyhow, first an update on my life.

My contract with Deutsche Bank has been extended to 31 July 2013, as at 12 June 2013, I'd have been with the Bank for 1 full year, accomplished my initial target of etching the full year on my CV.

Korea is done, not over, flights and accommodation are confirmed, lucky bastard got a cheap flight from Changi Airport -> KLIA -> Seoul for freaking $537.00NETT. Friend paid $570ish to fly via scoot keke ! So happened to be on MAL site and noticed the 24hr promo.

School has officially ended, come April or rather, after this weekend, it'd be crunch time. Management Accounting is the tough nut to crack, there's a ACCA undergrad sis at home, hope I'll be able to pass.

A few gadgets died. Dropped my phone on a cab, gone for good, been phoneless for 2 full weeks, ain't any inconvenience to me, more to others. Bought a Motorola Razr V3 maroon, it'd be here by 2nd week of April :)) My PS3 went Y-LOD-ed, there's ways to fix it but I'm too lazy, might do it after my papers.

Exact pic of my soon-to-be-new mobile. That's about it folks, oh the mobile cost USD45.00 + USD25.00 shipping and I think i need to pay USD20.00 to unlock it, not the cheapest of phones but it's a legendary one, then.

Oh work's a bundle of joy these days, finally settling in and all, of course some people still spy on me, I couldn't care less aha~ Next entry should be on my work environment !!! DONE!~

The topic came to mind when one of my juniors in secondary school commented on her Facebook.

" What do you do when someone you doesn't like smile at you?
My initial reaction was to smile back. However, when I realized who that person was, I abruptly stopped smiling, turned and walked in the opposite direction.
Kun Kun reprimanded me and said that it was not a professional thing to do as I have to set a good example. He claimed that I have to smile back even if I do not want to. But.. doesn't that border on being hypocritical?
Surprisingly, my Dad heard our debate and supported his stand. After which, upon my insistence, they demonstrated how to smile (looks awful) and nod simultaneously. Undoubtedly, you don't look good when you are forced to smile at someone you have no wish to smile at. Guess I will have to practise and try it out. In future, I will smile as minimal as possible and nod the slightest fraction to acknowledge that irksome smile."

She is a Civil Servant, Government Salaried Worker, an Educator or often known as a teacher. Her reaction was solely due to her own set of beliefs that being fake is worst than being rude, then, the sad truth sets in, as an educator, you can be fake, BUT not rude. Period. It's really sad, but I'd just simply put it as "occupational hazard"

Then Kim Ha-Neul popped up. She acted as a teacher in a korean drama, A Gentleman's Dignity, a very firm and no-nonsense teacher with a bubbly and hysterical character. 

During one of the scenes, she said 

"I want to beat you boys up so you can't fight, but what can I do, that's the law. You guys don't obey the law but I must, it's really unfair"

She made the boys pitch and hit 1,000 baseballs each, so that their arms will be so sore they can no longer lift em up, let alone fight.

So, what is the essence of Education?
Academic achievements?
Moral Values?

When being fake itself, it's against moral values, yet a teacher has to uphold the image as an educator, fake a smile so that she isn't deemed rude, to appease the society's absurd, opinionated shallow assumptions. Absolute disgust ~

I don't know what education is, I never once did, guess I was right.

Disclaimer: I did not condemn Education itself, I merely disapprove the SYSTEM, governing education.


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