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So goodbye, don't cry and smile...

I still had the receipt of my very very first personal owned speakers, I bought it in Nov 2007 after getting my 8th month's paycheque and splurge all that SGD560 on that pair of Audio Engine A5s. Still remembered the excitement, I drove to Sim Lim Square at 10am, the shop only opens at 11:30am, not only that, it was the 1st day the speakers was being carried by Cybermind, hence no one knew what I wanted. Had to go back to forums to call ah boo aka Booest, he rushed down to open the account with me :))

5 years and 6 months later...

Head down to Sim Lim Tower last week to get my cables done and remembered there is an authorized dealer of Yamaha in SLT too. I merely took a glimpse because I recalled it was located at the basement, true enough I saw the huge purple yammy billboards.

Headed in and met the owner, Sunny. A very honest and straightforward guy, I told him if he carry the MSPxx and he questioned my choice straight, insisting I wouldn't need such a professional set. But opps, he thought I needed a mixer instead, told him I want to get the speakers and he threw me the brochure. Within a few flips I shouted "THERE THERE THERE MCP3 !!" He stopped and said calmly, "NO lar, it's the MSP3 lar".

"You want it for what, this one not cheap you know"
" I use at home listen music"
"You want today or what?"
"Today no hand carry, next weekend I come you have stock a not, what's the price"

MSP3: $378 incl GST
MSP5: $400/pc excl GST

"How, you confirm want a not?"
"Yes lar, I look high look low for your shop you know, I will take the MSP3"
"Okok, come next Saturday, call me before you come, my name is Sunny"

I left the shop as though I've discovered a well in the middle of the desert.

Came Vesak Day, a public holiday for Singapore, tried my luck calling him in the morning but to of no avail, kinda depress even though I only have to wait for a day more. All of a sudden he called when I was changing and about to head out with mom and dad for lunch

VROOOMz ~ Sim Lim Tower !!! Obviously after lunch aha. I came and

"Hello boss"
"Hello you are here for..."
"My speakers" feeling a little unsure if he remembered
"Ahhh yes yes yes the MSP5 right, how can it be $315 for 1" I text him the other day to change to the 5" instead of 3" and begged him to give me a good price
"$315 a pcs + GST is $670 for 2, I already got you a 20%, you won't get this price even if you go down to Yamaha at Plaza Singapura"

Checked with him if the set contains cables and where can I get em, he told us to take a seat and he'll  make a pair for me for free. These DIY cables cost min. SGD20 a piece because there are balanced and the plugs aren't cheap, I needed a 2metre pair, meaning he is giving a way 4metres of balance copper cable, 2 XLR plugs and 2 RCA plugs

We had a nice short chat about life, audio, his son, and his past while I was deeply engrossed with how he trim the insulation off the cables that are barely 2mm thick and how he, at his age, solder such thin cables at such pace.

My parents were rather astounded by this experience, maybe it didn't really occur to them that I spend money this carefully, and that I'd still go back to the old electronics tower that not even my dad head over these days.

Tested the cables to ensure there are properly shielded and connected and headed off with my dad and myself carrying each speaker and mom holding on to the cables.

Here it is, my prized possession.

Mom offered to sponsor me $200 because she is getting her bonus at the end of the month which I turn her down straight up. For 1, my sister was there, I do not want my mom to send the wrong signal that she loves me more, 2nd, I didn't want my sister to have bad habits of leeching $$ from home when she runs out of $$ from her own wants and not needs. Period.

Anyhow, why do I need to replace the speakers?

The A5s will turn 6 years old come November, not a very good excuse actually
The A5s is irritating the crap out of me for certain genre of music
These yammy really fits my requirement, freq response up to 40khz when my A5s only at 22khz. These are Bi-Amp, hence sound reproduction more distinct and clear.
The yammys are within my budget.

I sold my A5s for $290, half the price i paid, I felt a bit sad for the dude who paid for it, I've kept them in very good condition but $290 for a 5.5years old speakers =X I basically ripped him off. Still he gave me a positive feedback and thank me, oh well, I'm glad he's happy with what he paid for =P

I'll head down to visit Sunny more often i guess, really felt a connection, even my mom thinks so too, like the way we communicate, the language, vocabulary, tone ... Of course haha, she wouldn't be happy for a 26 year old son to behave like a 50 year old uncle, she's happy that I'm happy, and I'm really grateful to both my parents for allowing me to really be who I want to be.

Then again, she reminded me that my love luck is on the rise come 2nd half of the year, Korea babes HERE I COME !!!


I really felt quite empty as I look at my new MSP5s, not that I'm not happy with them but, I've sold my first pair of speakers. So goodbye don't cry and smile . . .


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