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what is education

a channel where knowledge is obtain?
a means to a higher starting salary?
a social measuring scale?
a journey?


The haze has caught most Singaporeans off-guard, at it's peak, the PSI was 471, way above the hazardous level set by the NEA (National Environmental Agency). The previous high was at 271. I believe our government was not well prepared for this "natural" disaster, announcements, direction and reaction were real slow.

People often talk about us, complaining about the inefficiency of the government, and the bigger picture. Dr Vivian Balakrishan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources made a statement on the day we broke the 300 barrier,

"Dr Balakrishnan was responding to questions from reporters on whether such an order was imminent, after the PSI hit hazardous levels on Wednesday night.

He said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has guidelines in place which all employers adhere to, and the MOM will give an update on Thursday."

The following day, the PSI reached 471, no comments were given until 8pm. My dad is a supervisor at shipyards where ships are repaired,  repainted, serviced, OUTDOORS. Fearful for his workers he called the NEA at 3pm demanding instructions from the agency on the current situation and if all jobs are to be stopped because of the haze. No replies were received and no callbacks too. On the bright side, all their workers have N95 masks on because of the occupation hazard.

What about the construction workers? The elderly living alone? The poor without air conditioning? Why isn't there a stop work order, a mass issuance of N95 masks? The N95 masks were only issued 3 days after the catastrophe, you call this a world class efficient and effective government organisation?

I couldn't care less for most of you and I, working in a carbon filtered air condition office where N95 masks were distributed for free, for you and your family...

and i don't even wish to go into details why was there no stop work order.


Many wankers went off the rack and bought all the N95 masks, on the first night masks were sold at $5 a pcs or $80 for a box of 20 when the original cost price is $25 for a box of 20. Many follow suit, some stock up for their own families, many profit over selling online or brazenly at Central Business District MRT stations.

Look at this country, Singapore. Clean and Green City, with the Singa Lion to drive its courtesy campaigns, have become.

Singa the Lion quit   

A country where the economy > health of it's people, hence no stop work order, WHEN Malaysia stop every damn thing, when the PSI hits 300.

A country where people profit from it's own people, rather than help to distribute to those people who do not have the means or the ability to obtain a mask.

Where they will queue for  Hello Kitty, and sell them for 10 times the price,  then to donate 10cents to the charity.

This is a country, where power and money meant everything, failure's not an option.

So I ask what is education ??


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