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2013, it's ending ~

Something positive, not the most splendid, but still, finally hit the 4k mark on my CV, will be moving towards the number 5 before I hit 30. The raise will come in from January 2014 onwards, I am currently still stuck at my mediocre pay. The only tick on my 2013 check list hmmm ~

Recently Dad suggested we go to this Korean BBQ place that serves buffet style Korean BBQ at $20 Nett, skeptical yet I do not wish to be the wet blanket, i agreed.

When  I was there, the smell, the crowd, the staff.... needless to say the food.
Staff were there merely to clear tables so the queuing customers wouldn't leave, they do not care about the food.

Crowd were simply there not to enjoy a different form/type of bbq but for the free-flow of meat, be it your cheap frozen and disgustingly marinated meat or seafood, they do not care. They are merely there to eat their $20 worth of food.
Food was atrocious, quality was beyond crap, from the sauce to side dishes like salad, kimchi, mandoo and deok, shit, utter crap.

My face was completely black, everyone were upset but well they could feel a lot better looking at my face. I do not care if it's free flow meat for FREE, for Christ's sake, do not put crap into your stomach. If I pay $2, i make sure it's worth $2, this is freaking $80, and not even $0.08 worth of shit. For that amount, we could have way way better food at any Chinese eatery or I'll top it up for amazing Japanese or authentic Korean.

Needless to say, my mom had food poisoning middle of  the night and right now, is on a 3 days medical leave.

It's Dad's tradition to waste money anyways, he usually read them off the Chinese tabloids who gets paid by restaurants to do reviews and not the other way round. He won't listen and he will be back, again.

Dad's score: 1/8 (12.5%)

Mom's sudden remark on my angst was absolutely spot on!

"He is very serious about eating"

What more can I say about my amazing mom. You are only allowed 3 meals a day, and me, being severely obese, have to watch the amount of food I eat, hence I do not want to waste that "space" in which I had to sparingly choose all the amazing options I have. Having to eat crap food is like wasting space, more so when it comes to my sacred hansik (Korean Food), I cannot forgive people who cheat customers by pasting fancy hangul wallpaper and installing barely working suction hood  and claiming it to be Korean. The absurd Kimchi was pathetic, the color, what blasphemy...

I'm tube rolling as I am blogging ~

Tung-Sol 12AX7 ECC83 Gold Pins

Matsushita 12AX7

Tube-rolling simply meant trying out different tubes and comparing them, my first pair was the Matsushita and recently managed to get my hands on the Tung-sol, both sound signature are quite similar EXCEPT the Tung-Sol does provide more width or sound-stage and mellow mids while the Matsushita have a tamer treble, if only I can combine these both together. Anyway it's still audio-bliss !~

Recently I blogged about the Sony headphones that Lee Minho worn on Heirs, and I went the week after to try it out at Jaben, holy-crap, that's the sexiest headphones I've ever held, color, finishing... And that was it, the sound coming out of it was absolute disaster, I've never heard such weird or crappy? sound ever, a friend came together and well, he felt the same. *shrugs*

MS1, MS2i and the MS-Pro. Spec sheets didn't say much about the transducer used and all I could see was the materials of the ear cups and the quality of the cable

Feeling really irritated, gave the Alessandro MS2i a try, I had the MS1, which cost at S$120.00 vs the MS2i at $390, I felt that the MS1 was really fatique and harsh after 20mins of listening, even with the woody mod, I sold it off. Curious about how much "better" the SQ can be for it's 300% price variance, I plug it into my trusty ZuneHD and turn on Davichi's - The Letter.

I was totally blown away by the musical reproduction, the vast sound-stage and the girl's amazing vocals. Treble were sweet, absolutely spot on, I felt like I've satisfied a craving for something I've yearn for but can't articulate for the longest time.

I grin and told myself, I'm getting that for Christmas! Well that was before I paid close to a thousand dollars for my Barister certification. *ouch*

My recent rant on the Rega DAC, after much thoughts, I've decided against it, though it's a nice S$650 off retail, for starters, I'm using it for Pop/Ballads, the most audible tracks would be your old records or musicals or orchestra SACDs, which are not to my taste. Shouldn't get something you do not need, that's one of my principles.

FYI: for most audio items, 2nd hand items are not usually worthless due to it's limited production quantities. The typical audiophile equipments are mostly hand-made / hand-soldered / hand-assembled hence, the QC level is very high. And for audio equipments, the sound signature then to become sweeter with time, due to the "run-in" factor with electronic parts, similar to "running-in" cars, you have to keep it below 120km/hr for the first 1000km to allow the mechanical parts "break-in".

Had a meal with the senior people in office, someone asked, "Anyone set their New Year Resolution yet". The table was silent, Stefan said he just had 1, before he open his mouth, I knew what he was gonna say.

"Not to have any New Year Resolution"

Got that damn right my friend.

Anyways, 2013 had been a rather relax and slow year for me, I didn't  put in much effort in any aspects and live life to my own pace. Life has been great, really relaxing, without committing to my friends, my extended families and school, I've been much happier, no white hair anymore :)). Korea was one never to forget.

Hence, it's time to get my act together, here's to my 2014 resolution, in terms of importance

1. Start revision
2. Start excercising, 80s by Feb 2014 and 70s by May 2014. I'm 98kgs now *wink*
3. Start knowing what I do, instead of just doing what I do at work even though the culture is shit, make the change, be the change.
4. Ace my 2 final papers and go into my final years as really my Final Term!
5. Take my parents to Hong Kong year end.
6. Sleep at 2300hrs, maintain 8hrs of sleep per day and watch my face
7. Start growing up, stop wearing tees and get comfy with pants and shirts, stop wearing caps and start going to saloon. That'd be June 2014 onwards after getting my weight down.

And that's the my 7 Goals, will be rather stressful and get busier with lesser time to "K-drama" and "Sso-sing", 27 in Feb 2014, final 3 years of youth before i hit the "middle-age", time to step up and give myself some advantage.

Good bye 2013, I will remember you always and will enjoy the remaining days, 2014 I'm coming!! But before all that.

Here's my So Jin saying YOU CAN DO IT !! keke~


Anonymous said…
Barister cert!? Take the course and tell me how it goes! I'm so excited for you!

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