The best Anime of my time, Rurouni Kenshin, also known as Samurai-X. Swordsmanship animations were uniquely classy, depicting the troubled times in Meiji history. The story line was simply out of this world, with the invasion of Kyoto the climax of the whole animation for me.
Today I had the privilege of inviting the douchebag that introduced this animation to me, Mr Chong Yong Qi. We never really started off on the right foot, he was a typical boy school "ang moh" punk and I'm your neighbourhood "ching cheong" ah beng. Somehow I do not recall why and how we got this close, for reals.
Anyways, while waiting for Mr Chong, i was wondering around Marina Square mall, to my surprise, there was a huge cosplay event going on at the main atrium.You could see all the amazing make-ups, hair-dye, props and costume worn, absolutely out of this world. I'm glad the community is going strong, "Otakus" or "Geeks" are not taken very well locally, those who party hard and sleep around are the more sough-after.
On-route to the cinema, I went by the video arcade area, #OMG.
I went nuts, enjoyed myself so much it's like liberation from the "Iron-Caged" world.
Life's been too harsh and fast, I've been trying to get ahead of others so much that I'm getting ahead of myself.
Or maybe I just do not want to grow up.
“Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.”
― Carroll Bryant