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"Kids are like fart, you only like your own" - Yuk² downtown Toronto 2015

There's a whole lot of truth to this statement yet it is getting fairly absurd and ridiculous by my measure, here in Singapore.

Nephew requesting my seat because he said excuse me, hitting my grandma because she wasn't giving way to him.

A very very close friend, or a mentor whom I've grew up with since I was 20, had a pair of twins, she's often talk about how other kids misbehaves and how she will never let that happen. I've seen it not once, not twice but thrice.

Kids knock down my friend's $3,000 bicycle, refuses to apologize, it's probably the first time her bic had fell, could see it in her eyes and her expression. And the kid pretend to hurt herself, cries when probe to apologize, still did not. Nothing's done

Today, on Facebook, she told a mutual friend to buy 2 toys instead of one the next time because sharing does not exist in their dictionary. I am appalled, amazed and astounded. I don't know, maybe I'm just too sensitive and it no longer seems funny if it meant as a joke.

She often enjoys sharing on how the kids are at school, the special treatment given when the kids refuses to eat the standard food provided, they won't play with others and simply play amongst themselves, prefers the Malay teacher because the Chinese teacher doesn't speak English fluently. I don't believe she's sharing, it's more like gloating and being proud of.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of  your kid, whether he completed MIT at age 10 or went to loo on his own at age 10, it's your right. Just don't lie to yourself. I find it rather pitiful, when people starts pretending to be someone they are not, and they expect you to actually believe them. What more if it's coming from your closest friend, it's disgusting.

Just told my buddy at work about how i truly felt about his whole work ethics etc. I'm consistent, I've always been, logical, like a Vulcan, doesn't  matter to me you're my sister, my parents or my friends since birth, I treat you the same. Either you are my friends or you are not.

Amidst all these emotional feedback, I took a bit of time to reflect on why the sudden change she has, or why the facade.

She's doing well, but recently lost her job because of her pregnancy, lost her baby due to the stress she had on being the primary breadwinner and financial situation. Amongst her peers, she feels like she wears the pants, the husband earns slight greater than the median salary of average male his age, but nothing close to what her male friends or her female friends' spouses are drawing. They've not travel overseas for close to a year, still in a bit of debt cuz of previous bad investment choices, house arriving this year, renovation fees nowhere in sight yet.

Anomie: Residing in individuals, a condition of instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values or from a lack of purpose or ideals.

Or in this day and age, unable to live up to the expectations of social norms and values.

What are truly social norms and values? They aren't actually anywhere close to being normal.

The American Dream of owning a house smack in downtown.
The Asian Dream of studying abroad.
Not owning a car
Not having a continental car even if you own a car
No diamond ring

 Many people in this world are in the state of anomie, mostly in the more developed countries, States, Korea, Japan, Singapore... where suicide rates are high.

I really still wonder how these people live, it's like following a script, 1st in class, top school, cum laudes, 5 digit monthly pay checks = success?? If it's true for everyone ain't we all puppets? We've a brain that we barely tap into 20% of it's cerebral capacity like seriously?

Going into sociology changed my views totally about life. I ain't sure if it was good or bad, all I know is that I never felt the same anymore.

Who am I.

I'm truly running away from this ugly environment where I truly can no longer feel normal to be a part of.

If it's the same there as well, I guess I will just run into the woods and live a subsistence life, away from the world...


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