1: I'll either be moving to Canada
2: Or I'll move to my own place
By the time these stuff are broken or idk ~

Finally removed the AV rack which was on the right of my TV, where the speakers are now. My equipment are below my desk, a new cheap rack from IKEA at only SGD69.00 NETT! Love the new spacious feel the room has, especially while I'm on my throne.
Dad was complaining that the racks should cost max SGD39.00 for a few piece of lousy metals and glass. He may be right but in Singapore, you can't find a rack under SGD100s and fit my needs so perfectly.
That's the huge rack on the right that's taking up space and trapping dust, my speakers are cluttered on my desk but now loving their place on the stands. Initially let these for living room because my dad was complaining about how lousy the TV speakers are but HE BARELY USES THESE. Hence I confiscated these babies and sold my Adam Audio for SGD50.00 profit. Amazing eh? A used set sold for profit hehe.
Anyway I specifically took 28th Jan off to spring clean, supposedly an auspicious day to clear out the old and bring in the new. In fact i threw many stuff out and bought a new rack, 2 pairs of shoes and a bball on that exact day keke.
Not really a huge fan of "external" forces but well, since it's not asking me to kill or rob, I'll just follow in hope of a smoother and prosperous year :))
That's my smile ~ double chin smile :)) hahaha and Sojin's crying because it's Monday again, BLAH ! Good night!