Fools build houses, wise men stays in them.
Manoj, a counterpart from our IT consortium told me about the above quote, while we were discussing on Canada, why do I want to be there, what do I want to work as. He told me to take it lightly on that quote, I was truly disgusted by the existence of the quote itself.
Obviously, we need to truly find out how and why it came about.
1. The Oxford Saying and Quotation: a shrewd person chooses to save themselves trouble, and benefit from the effort expended by another. 1670
2. The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs: The cost of building property is such that those who build houses cannot afford to live in them, and have to sell them to recoup their losses; also applied to other things that are expensive to produce; They borrowed huge sum of money to build their dream home, and were forced to sell it for a price that barely covered the interest on the loan, a classic illustraion of the adage "Fools build houses and wise men live in them"
Typical Brits, proud and vile, I've declared this site uncensored, controversial and spontaneous. I wish to ink down my thoughts there and then, so when I do re-read my posts, I can see thyself from different angles.
Back to the fking Brits, obviously they've created Beatles, Beckham, Liverpool, Queen Elizabeth etc. But they are shit brutal and hopeless at times, evident from their disastrous War World I campaign leading to this infamous quote
Lions led by donkeys - German General Erich Ludendorff.
The latter, seems to be a cover-up of the lost dynasty once forged by the Great Britain, not really that great now isn't it? To more or less tone down the vile and proud pasts. However, made more sense, ethically, financially and realistically.
To actually have a life to live, with purpose, in happiness. I dream a dream.
Of course we had a chat on how our mindset differs, and explained on the reason of the delay, it's not as easy as it seems, I'm single yes, but I don't drop from the skies nor do I come out of a flower, I was carried for 9 mths, nurtured and fed to who I am today. The loss of income to my family is no simple matters and proper planning is necessary.
Still, people often says, "Grass is Greener on the other side". It's alright, I'll just sing "Hello from the other side"
Knowledge is not Power, there isn't power, applied knowledge is Wisdom...

Nearly 200 years, nothing's change. Humans evolved?
Manoj, a counterpart from our IT consortium told me about the above quote, while we were discussing on Canada, why do I want to be there, what do I want to work as. He told me to take it lightly on that quote, I was truly disgusted by the existence of the quote itself.
Obviously, we need to truly find out how and why it came about.
1. The Oxford Saying and Quotation: a shrewd person chooses to save themselves trouble, and benefit from the effort expended by another. 1670
2. The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs: The cost of building property is such that those who build houses cannot afford to live in them, and have to sell them to recoup their losses; also applied to other things that are expensive to produce; They borrowed huge sum of money to build their dream home, and were forced to sell it for a price that barely covered the interest on the loan, a classic illustraion of the adage "Fools build houses and wise men live in them"
Typical Brits, proud and vile, I've declared this site uncensored, controversial and spontaneous. I wish to ink down my thoughts there and then, so when I do re-read my posts, I can see thyself from different angles.
Back to the fking Brits, obviously they've created Beatles, Beckham, Liverpool, Queen Elizabeth etc. But they are shit brutal and hopeless at times, evident from their disastrous War World I campaign leading to this infamous quote
Lions led by donkeys - German General Erich Ludendorff.
The latter, seems to be a cover-up of the lost dynasty once forged by the Great Britain, not really that great now isn't it? To more or less tone down the vile and proud pasts. However, made more sense, ethically, financially and realistically.
To actually have a life to live, with purpose, in happiness. I dream a dream.
Of course we had a chat on how our mindset differs, and explained on the reason of the delay, it's not as easy as it seems, I'm single yes, but I don't drop from the skies nor do I come out of a flower, I was carried for 9 mths, nurtured and fed to who I am today. The loss of income to my family is no simple matters and proper planning is necessary.
Still, people often says, "Grass is Greener on the other side". It's alright, I'll just sing "Hello from the other side"
Knowledge is not Power, there isn't power, applied knowledge is Wisdom...

Nearly 200 years, nothing's change. Humans evolved?