PRC, the People's Republic of China, world's largest populated country, spent USD146 billion on defense budget. The only country that spends more is the United States of America. They took back HongKong in 1994 and made of mess of that country with their political strife to brainwash kids with their communism way of education. Tries to claim Hawaii with a new map in 2016 Tries to claim Senkaku Island owned by Japan in 2000 Tries to claim some islands against Taiwan Tries to claim Taiwan Tries to claim fishing territory with Philippines Terrorists bombing in Bangkok were targeting Chinese in Thailand . . . China, ancestral home of vast majority of Asians. Historically people from Japan were Chinese. This awkward facts made me more keen as to what these people are really up to, or up against. Territorial conquests or expansion have already stop since the last World War so what the fuck is China trying to do? If they are not aware of the mess they are cr