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The Beautiful Mind

Stage 4: 23 to 65 years

Finally, the brain reaches its peak power around age 22 and lasts for 5 more years. Afterwards, it’s a downhill pattern. Last to mature and the first to go are the brain functionality of executive control occurring in the prefrontal and temporal cortices. Memory for recalling episodes start to decline, processing speed slows and working memory is storing less information.
Best approach is to stay mentally active, learn new things, stay physically active and eat a very healthy diet. Avoid toxins, cigarettes, alcohol and mind-altering drugs.

Prime of my years 7 - 10, the brain was effortlessly absorbing anything and everything, 11 - 14, my brain took my body wherever it wanted to, jump higher, run faster, react quicker. 15 - 19 my leadership qualities kick in and I was able to talk teamwork, plan strategies and give inspiration team talks effortlessly. 20 - 23 back in school, 2nd upper honors, 25 I quit school.

Pretty legit according to the growth cycle of our beautiful mind. I kinda miss it to be honest. Right now it feels semi-retired, my reaction time's shit, I could barely game that well on first person shooter, definitely not on 3rd person which is why i'm stuck to the boring Football Manager hahaha!! When I use my brain a lot, on full focus for like a day, I feel like shit, like I'm gonna die like I need a long weekend to recharge and I do. I sleep like 15hours on both my weekends, that's sad.

The manner which our work forces us to stick to our desk and repeat mundane repetitive mindless jobs on rewind, the restrictions on our creativity because we may supersede them. The social interactions mere pimping for power or added advantage, the yearly negotiation on the dumbest commodity in this world, $$$ and then you realize you lost most precious commodity, time. Why waste it?

So after procrastinating for 3 years, finally took up piano, something I've always wanted, didn't have the courage to request when I was a kid, didn't have the means to when I could make my own decision and didn't have the courage to commit, till now. Love how it connects my soul with those strings, well mine's a keyboard so it's technically eletric :(((

Next up, culinary, but it currently kinda clash with my Piano class, probably gotta see how to juggle, either take a month break from piano or my own leave for weekday lessons ^^. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do right? Unlikely taking a break cuz my piano teacher's such a cutie hahaha !!! She pushes me pass my comfort zone initially, now she's pushing my limits :((( Oh well she majors in psychology so I guess she read me like a book, and she plays piano really well too.

I'm in love <3 ahhahaha="" p="">
House completion at 4/7, they're doing the ceiling and internal plumbing etc and it will be quick, my guess I'll move in next year this time if I'm lucky or after Chinese New Year 2018, and then starting piano, i guess that sums up the year 2016, amidst the weight gain, losing my grandma, injured my knee while celebrating a Liverpool goal, flying back from Canada on the 3rd day after I land. . .

Anyway, here's a tour of my new place, exact layout.


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