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Showing posts from June, 2020

life, living, leaving ~

The first time i heard of a close friend passing, a person who I had interaction with was in 2018. I saw her last cry for help post and I just came back from Korea. (i'm still finding a reason for my guilt)... Fast forward to today, i went to look for other reasons that would absolve me of my guilt, I couldn't find it because i was looking at September of 2019. This was more than a year ago yet time had not heal nor did it fade away. 1 June 2020, I receve an Insta DM from Jan Gloria Yeo, one of the kiddos of our YEI Family that I do keep an eye on because I did like her in the past and she did show some weakness. So she pasted a facebook link with the screenshot that someone had left, I don't even read my insta DM and for some reason i read it that day ... The facebook post was by his 2nd brother, on his behalf, Waisoon was the name of the original user. This person is not my facebook f